Jaarevent 2024

Greenport West-Holland bracht afgelopen week twee challenges in tijdens de Hackathon voor Good. Met Provincie Zuid-Holland was een challenge geformuleerd op het gebied van de energietransitie. Doel is dat een tool wordt ontwikkeld waarmee telers betere beslissingen kunnen nemen over investeringen in alternatieve energiebronnen. Daarnaast bracht de Greenport met LG Flowers en andere ondernemers een challenge in over een dashboard waarmee ondernemers in één oogopslag relevante informatie kunnen zien. 

Aan de beide challenges deden in totaal 14 teams mee. Zondag 27 november waren de pitches. 

Future of Greenhouse: Energy & Heat Efficiency

De challenge over energie luidt als volgt:

How ​can ​we ​help ​greenhouse growers to make educated and sustainable long-term choices ​by using a decision making/matchmaking tool connecting them to local peers and initiatives ​when managing heating/energy/cooling demands and excess per season ​instead ​of tackling the problem alone or going to a consultant?

De criteria bij deze challenge zijn:

  • Individual greenhouse growers or employees  can input information about their entity
  • The proof of concept explore ways to create awareness about the long-term positive effects of more sustainable and stable energy sources, compared to the current energy systems.
  • The solution enable greenhouse growers to be matched to potential peers of interest or collaboration projects in their area


Challenge Business Intelligence for Sustainable Flower Production

De challenge over het dashboard voor ondernemers is de volgende:

How ​can ​we ​help ​flower entrepreneurs to make more sustainable decisions based on the collected data ​by having a clear overview and indicators of change in the relation between external and internal factors ​when ​planning and adjusting production capacity and demands ​instead ​of ​manually processing scattered data and being misled by big competitors who are raising prices for profit? 

Hierbij gelden de volgende criteria:

  • The proof of concept should demonstrate providing key alerts for pivoting and decision making
  • The solution should maintain or improve sustainability of production and workforce management (example: saving energy, capturing water or redirecting water use, reduce costs, reducing strain and uncertainty for workers, etc.)
  • The solution should process and visualize connections between data inputs on a daily basis. 

Ga naar de website van Hackathon voor Good


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