Jaarevent 2024

Growers, members of producer associations DOOR, Harvest House, Best of Four and Van Nature,
collaborate in the GLAS4.0 program on how to make disruptive technology on crop sensing and robotics and their application available for fruiting vegetables cucumber, eggplant, pepper and tomato. These products are grown on more than 1800 hectares and have a combined market value of over 2 billion euros.

Up until this point in the program, we can conclude that:
1. Crop Sensing and robotics are disruptive technologies for the future of fruiting vegetables.
2. There are many existing research initiatives by universities and corporations alike. A better synergy between those initiatives could speedup the results.
3. Crop Sensing (and the data-management behind it) is a key issue for crop(management).
4. Robots for harvesting etc. are the following step where sensing knowledge is needed to determine a correct follow-up action.
5. Development is happening on a global scale. Where can we as Dutch growers (associations)
help to speed this process up? It’s time to take the next step. Therefore, we are organising an acceleration workshop to bring knowledge and people from universities, corporations together with innovative growers. The workshop is invitation only. Hereby, we would like
to invite you to participate in the program.
In this two day-program, we aim to bring knowledge together on business and research on the use of Crop Sensing and robotics in fruiting vegetables in the greenhouse. After collecting the knowledge, we will discuss how growers and their producer associations can speed up the process of getting those disrupting technologies available for vegetable crops tomato, eggplant, cucumber and pepper.

Participation means that you have to present your research, solution or concept to colleagues and growers with an open mind for reflection and collaboration.

Please confirm your participation by sending an email to glas40@ficenter.nl.
Participating in the workshop is free of charge. However, your travel (if applicable) and stay at the hotel (if applicable) are atyour own expense.

We are open for more participants based on the idea that “participating means presenting what you are currently working on”.

For more information, please visit our website.

Harrij Schmeitz
Program-manager GLAS40


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