Final conference BioBoost april 22 2020
Unfortunately, the closing conference BioBoost has been canceled. The reason for this is the coronavirus outbreak and the necessary measures to prevent further spread.
The circular economy is becoming increasingly important for the horticulture (greenhouse) sector. There are many challenges to overcome. Circular entrepreneurship requires innovation and new thinking. The horticultural sector in particular is able to make a difference and offer solutions for these challenges.
Based on the experiences gained in the BioBoost project and the various pilots, the possible new solutions will be shared during the final conference ( and shared with the industry. This will be a great opportunity to knowledge exchange and gain new ideas about biobased innovations and getting higher value from waste products.
For whom
The circular economy will affect everyone in the horticultural chain. Growers, seed breeders, traders, financiers, policy makers, transporters. Everyone in the horticultural chain will have to deal with changes in the chain and have to start producing more sustainably. In addition to the information and knowledge that is shared, this event is an excellent time for networking and whole suppy chain collaboration, .
Date, time
Date: April 22, 2020
Time: 12.00 – 17.30 uur
World Horti Center
Europa 1
Naaldwijk (Westland)
Various speakers will discuss the future of the circular horticulture and the lessons learned from the project. Speakers explain how (technical, organizational / social and financial) they have contributed to the step towards a more circular economy. Chairman of the day is Rob Veenman.
12.00 Reception with lunch and opportunity for market visit.
12.45 Start of the program; opening by chairman of the day, welcome by Albert Abee, alderman for the municipality of Westland
13.00 Dries Maes, Flemish Government
13:25 Jason Drew, founder of AgriProtein
13:50 Rob Elias Director, Biocomposites Center Bangor University
14:20 Coffee and tea break with opportunity for a market visit
15.00 Project examples BioBoost, various speakers
16.15 Koen Meerkerk en Hugo de Boon, Fruitleather Rotterdam
16.45 Closing
17.00 Network drink with opportunity for market visit
18.00 End of the meeting
The congress will also have a market where you will see products that are the result of the many pilots of the project. Feeling and tasting what circularity entails. In addition, you can start a conversation with the initiators to hear firsthand what it means to develop a new product. We hope that it gives you new business ideas too, which we would be happy to discuss with you.